又有好多天没有见面, 从我们今年5月3日见面以来, 您给我留下了非常诚恳务实优秀的深刻印象, 对于我们未来的合作我们公司充满信心。从5月3日至今算来有35天, 对于我们的合作事项有一些情况与你交流。
How times flies! We have not seen each other for such a long time. Since we met on May 3th this year, what impressed me the most is your pure-heartedness and kindness so we are full of confidence about our future cooperation. Today, 35days after we last met, I want to communicate with you about our cooperation proceedings.
在35天的时间里, 我分别联系了辽宁锦州市、朝阳市、沈阳市、营口市、江苏的徐州市、内蒙古的呼和浩特市、河北省的保定市、石家庄市、唐山市、邯郸市、邢台市等近20个具备生活垃圾填埋要求的城市政府, 并且了解了相关情况。
这30天中, 我会同张先生和贵公司的工程师一起考察了辽宁省的朝阳市、锦州市和河北省的保定市的垃圾填埋场, 其中的保定填埋场张先生确认应该符合贵公司的条件。只要贵公司的工程人员确认马上就可以签署相关合同。
具体工作业务的详细发展内容我已经以文字的形式发给张先生 深圳翻译公司。
During the 35 days period, I contacted with nearly 20 cities governments which have the requirements of landfill field respectively to get relevant information. Those cities include Jinzhou, Chaoyang, Shenyang, Yingkou City of Liaoning Province, Xuzhou City of Jiangsu Province, Huhehaote City of Inner Mongolia, Baoding, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Handan and Xingtai City of Hebei Province and etc.
During this period, accompanied with Mr. Zhang and your Company’s engineer, we reviewed some landfill fields in Chaoyang, Jinzhou City of Liaoning Province and Baoding City of Hebei Province. Among which, the landfill field of Baoding City was confirmed by Mr. Zhang that can meet your requirements. After confirmed by your engineers we can sign a contract immediately.
I had sent the details about the development contents to Mr. Zhang in written form.
贵公司对在中国国内从事CDM业务相关的公司没有全面了解, 对中国国内的垃圾填埋场情况也不够了解。例如我们联系了江苏徐州市之后才知道一个英国公司早已找过他们, 而且在北京有10家以上的代理垃圾场CDM项目的公司。这让我们做了很多无效工作, 同时相信贵公司在过去也为此支付了很多不必要的前期考察费用。我们建议贵公司应尽快解决这个问题, 或者由贵公司提供经费我们来帮助解决, 相信我们公司在3个月内可以解决这个问题翻译服务。
Your company has no comprehensive know about the companies who is engaging in CDM business in China and so as the conditions of landfill field. For instance, we knew a British company had contact with Xuzhou City of Jiangsu Province before us but we can get such information only after we contact with them. There are more than 10 companies as the CDM project agent in Beijing. That is to say we made lots of inefficacy efforts meanwhile your company is paid much useless expense in the early period.
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