本书描摹、讲述著名京剧四大须生之一的奚啸伯先生奋斗与辉煌的一生。他出身贵族, 票友下海, 家境困窘, 自身条件全无优势, 单凭一腔热爱之情, 一颗钻研之心, 孜孜以求, 终于成就一代名家巨匠。该书的出版, 为研究奚啸伯、研究有国粹之称的京剧艺术, 提供了最直接的素材, 同时为证明京剧艺术的博大精深作了最好的诠释。这是对弘扬与继承我国优秀民族文化遗产的一大贡献 翻译公司。
1. Xiao’s Voice and Graceful Melody (Zhang Futang)
This book describes the struggling and resplendent life of Mr. Xi Xiaobo, one of the four most famous Xushengs (actor wearing beard). He was born to the purple and became a professional actor from an amateur one. Later, his family got into trouble and his advantageous conditions completely vanished. By right of strong enthusiasm, dedicated heart and industrious spirit, finally, he became a well-known and great master in Peking Opera. The publication of this book offers the most direct materials to study Mr. Xi Xiaobo and the quintessence of China-Peking Opera and annotates, to the greatest extent, the broadness and depth of Peking Opera. It is one great contribution to inherit and develop the excellent culture of the Chinese people.
2.容华丛书系列(谭湘)Ronghua Series (Tan Xiang)
《容华丛书——中国文学大奖获奖女作家散文》、《容华丛书——中国文学大奖获奖女作家散文卷》选舒婷等新时期文学以来曾获三项(次)以上国家级大奖的著名女作家为作者构成, 一人一本, 作品自选, 内容包括作家的代表作、成名作及最新力作, 并配有作家个人工作及生活照片40余幅, 全面展现作家在散文这一个品种的基本风貌和创作成就。首批出版散文卷六种, 即舒婷《心烟•秋天的情绪》、斯妤《睁着眼睛的梦》、毕淑敏《世上可真有一见钟情》、赵玫《戴着镣铐的舞蹈》、梅洁《一只苹果的忧伤》、素素《张望天上那朵玫瑰》等 翻译公司。
Ronghua Series-Essays of Women Writers Obtaining Great China Literature Awards and Ronghua Series-Essays Volume of Women Writers Obtaining Great China Literature Awards contain the works of those women writers such as Shu Ting and so on that have obtained nation-level awards for more than three times since the beginning of modern literature period. One writer and one book, the works chosen by the writer themselves, include magnum opuses, famous works and the latest works, together with more than 40 pictures of the writer’s work and life. These books completely show the basic style and features of the writer in creating Essays and achievements as well. The first publication of these works includes six volumes, i.e. Heart Mist • Autumn Feeling by Shu Ting, Dream with Eyes Open by Si Shu, Falling in Love at First Sight does Exit in the World by Bi Shumin, Dancing with Bonds on by Zhao Mei, Desolation of one Apple by Mei Jie and Looking around for that Rose in the Sky by Su Su, etc.
英、日、德、法、俄、意、韩、蒙、泰、缅、葡萄牙、西班牙、芬兰、越南、荷兰、保加利亚、捷克、匈牙利、波兰、罗马尼亚、南斯拉夫/塞尔维亚、土耳其、瑞典、丹麦、挪威、阿拉伯、马来、印尼、希伯莱、希腊、波斯、斯洛伐克、乌尔都/巴基斯坦、孟加拉、拉丁文等各大小语种。 |
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