鱼在民俗中象征吉祥。人们以鱼的图案方式,表达“岁岁如意”、“年年有余(鱼)”的美好期望。韵泓筷子之“年年有余”, 将“鱼”的情节演绎在饮食文化中,延续那古老的祈福;更用先进精密的印花设备,将惟妙惟俏的图案印在南方优质筷坯的细腻纹理上,再现印花筷百年传统工艺的精妙、古雅,让您平添馔食雅趣,享受“年年有余(鱼) 广州翻译公司”!
fish is the symbol of auspicious in the folklore. People express their wishes such as “a smooth year” and “year after year surplus” by means of the pictures of fish. The “year after year surplus” of Yun Hong chopsticks embodies the affection for fish in the food culture and extends the ancient prays. The advanced and sophisticated printing equipment embosses the vivid drawings on the fine and smooth veins of the good quality southern chopstick mould, re-demonstrating the subtlety and elegance of the traditional craftwork of printing chopsticks, adding color to your cuisine and enjoying the “year after year surplus”!
<红楼梦>是中国古今第一奇书,是世界文学名著“三红”之一。小说深刻的思想内容和完美的艺术形式高度统一,达到了古典小说现实主义艺术的高峰,在文学上放射出不灭的光彩。其中的人物当属“金陵十二钗”最具文学价值和艺术价值,其唯美的形象被以很多不同的艺术形式来表达。“韵泓筷箸”借助高科技手段,采用“德国银”微雕技术,运用独特的设计,将“金陵十二钗”全新表达,纵观这些方寸之中的人物艺术形象,使我们对古典名著《红楼梦》又有了进一步的认识和升华 深圳陪同口译。
“Dream of the Red Chamber” is the most surprise book in the history of Chinese literature and is one of the three “red” masterpieces in the world literature. It unifies the profound ideas and perfect art form intensely that puts it to the peak of realism art of the classical novels difficult to be accessed and it also makes itself shining forever in the literature. In the book, “Twelve Beauties of Jinling” have the most literary and art value among all characters. The uttermost beautiful shapes have been showed through many different art forms. “Yun Hong Kuai Zhu” shows us the fire-new twelve beauties with the aid of high technology by choosing a kind of miniature skill named as “Dutch Silver” and with the unique designs. Our knowledge of “Dream of the Red Chamber” could be sublimated further by looking on those mini shapes carved in the tiny objects.
英、日、德、法、俄、意、韩、蒙、泰、缅、葡萄牙、西班牙、芬兰、越南、荷兰、保加利亚、捷克、匈牙利、波兰、罗马尼亚、南斯拉夫/塞尔维亚、土耳其、瑞典、丹麦、挪威、阿拉伯、马来、印尼、希伯莱、希腊、波斯、斯洛伐克、乌尔都/巴基斯坦、孟加拉、拉丁文等各大小语种。 |
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