搜 索 资 料:
看了一场NBA后, 我深深得感受到NBA其实不仅是一种比赛, 更是一个产业。NBA的球票价格差别很大, 最好位置、特殊场次的票价高达上千美元, 而一般位置、一般场次则相当便宜;   而且外面的停车场可不是免费使用的, 看一场比赛停了4小时的时间就向我们收了26美元; 电视转播费、球场内的广告费都不是小数; 球队的球衣、纪念品每年也能带来不菲的收入。更重要的是NBA对当地、对美国的贡献并不仅限于俱乐部赚的钱, 也不只是通过它向世界输出的美国文化、美国理念姑且不说, 而是球场外应有尽有的“食品摊”和球场内流动叫卖的“小贩”, 也解决了不少人的就业, 增加了不少人的收入——美国人, 尤其是美国黑人青少年就是爱吃、能吃, 球场里每人一个大包, 爆米花、炸鸡块、比萨、薯条、可乐, 什么都有, 那些胖得腰粗的像水桶、腿粗的像木桩、胸大的像篮球的人吃的比谁都带劲, 吃的比谁都香甜。体育精神是灵魂,比赛是形式,娱乐元素是调味品,商业化运作是资金来源,职业化管理是品牌体系和体制保障, 总之一场NBA比赛让人感觉就是一个五彩缤纷的Party, 怪不得能成为世界最受欢迎的篮球联赛呢广州日语翻译

After watching an NBA game, I had the impression that NBA is not only a game, but also an industry. The ticket price for an NBA game can be very different, the price for the best position and special session can cost a grand while the price for ordinary ones can be fairly inexpensive; and by the way, the car park outside is not for free since we’ve been charged 26 dollars for just four hours’ parking; the fees for TV broadcasting and advertisement inside the court can be a very large amount , moreover, a good income can also be obtained annually from sport suits and souvenirs.   More importantly, the contribution made to the local community and the USA as a whole by the NBA is not confined to the money earned by basketball clubs, it not only includes the American culture and philosophy communicated to the world, but also include the food stalls outside the court and peddlers inside the court which have solved some of the employment problems and increased local people’s income. The American, especially black American teenagers are gourmands. Everyone inside the court carries a big bag filled with popcorn, fried chicken, pizza, chips and cola you name it. Those people with a big waist, leg and chest are particularly big gourmands.    Sport spirit is the soul, game is the form, entertainment is the complement, commercial operation is the source of capital, and professional management is a brand system and institutional guarantee, in short, an NBA game is an exciting party, and no wonder NBA becomes the most popular basketball association in the world.  

和国内相比差距最大的一点应该就是对于体育的重视了吧, 和国内体育课处处给主课让步的情况相比, 美国高中可真是完全把这关系给颠倒了过来。每个学期的课外活动都有不同的体育运动, 比如秋季是足球和橄榄球, 冬季是篮球, 春季是网球和棒球, 并且每个体育运动都有各自的宾州高中联赛, 每个学生每年必须至少参加一个体育运动。甚至有时学生还会缺席最后一节或两节课坐车去客场打比赛。由此可见, 美国是多么重视体育的啦德语翻译

I think the greatest difference with China is that people here attach importance to sports, contrary to that in China PE lessons always give way to main lessons, it is a totally different case in high schools here. There are different sports for extracurricular activities in every semester, for example, they have football and rugby for autumn, basketball for winter, and tennis and baseball for spring. High school leagues are organized in Pennsylvania for each sport, and every student must participate in at least one sport annually. Sometimes students event skip the last one or two lessons to travel with bus for participating in an away game. We can see how much importance that the American attach to sports.

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