进入21世纪, 中国经济快速发展, 取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就, 然而随之而来的资源消耗和生态恶化等问题成为一项新的课题摆在人们面前。经济要发展, 环境要保护, 生态要改善, 中国开始探索一条可持续的发展道路。党中央、国务院提出了科学发展观和构建和谐社会、大力发展循环经济的战略思想, 为当代中国经济社会的发展指明了方向 广州葡萄牙语翻译。
China has been witnessing rapid economic growth since the turn of the century, and has shocked the world with its outstanding economic and political performances. Against all these glories, China is beginning to experience consequential problems like resource shortage and ecological deterioration. To strike a balance among economic development, environmental protection and ecological improvement, China needs to find a way that’s sustainable. The scientific outlook on development, as well as the strategic philosophy of building a harmonious society and vigorously developing circular economy, as called for by Chinese Party Central Committee and the State Council, is serving as a pilot lamp for the economic and social development of China in modern times.
致力于国家优势产业引导和开发为己任的国家开发投资公司, 从战略高度出发, 与天津市共同研究和探索, 启动了开发建设天津北疆发电厂循环经济项目的宏大工程 广州西班牙语翻译。
Devoted to and taking as its own duty the guidance and development of national competitive industries, State Development and Investment Corporation, through a strategic approach, has launched a mighty circular economy project, the development and construction of Tianjin Beijiang Power Plant, based on joint research work and exploration with Tianjin Municipality.
英、日、德、法、俄、意、韩、蒙、泰、缅、葡萄牙、西班牙、芬兰、越南、荷兰、保加利亚、捷克、匈牙利、波兰、罗马尼亚、南斯拉夫/塞尔维亚、土耳其、瑞典、丹麦、挪威、阿拉伯、马来、印尼、希伯莱、希腊、波斯、斯洛伐克、乌尔都/巴基斯坦、孟加拉、拉丁文等各大小语种。 |
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