This year, it the third year of the game. As the increasing scale and influence of the game, the expectation of the live broadcast becomes higher and higher. The relative persons of Xiamen TV Station, the sponsor, and CCTV who is in charge of the live broadcast planed to adopt the most advanced devices for the perfect transmission effort. Through the technical discussion with manufacturer in time, the OFDM 800MHz digital microwave mobile transmission device turned to be the last and best choice for the live broadcast of the game. Ikegami Tsushinki Co.,Ltd introduced the PF-503 of the ARIB-B33 OFDM 800MHz in detail by the way of product introduction, technical exchange, real machine test on site. In the result, the device was chosen for the live broadcast of the activity because it is technically most advanced, best for the mobile transmission, can be used as common SHF band-width microwave after the MARATHON transmission, fit for the HDTV and adopted popularly in the globe.
On the 24th of March, two days before the game, the export of the Ikegami Tsushinki Co.,Ltd arrived at the site in person, and made the last test running in site on the presiding of the Xiamen TV Station,CCTV and Xiamen Public Security Agency. The result was better than the expected with no problem occurred that appeared in the last two games. The relative persons of Xiamen TV station and CCTV were very satisfied with the result and gave highly evaluation on the PF-503.
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