产业区污水处理厂随着入水污水浓度(特别是COD)的升高, 会增加处理成本。各厂的《特许经营权协议》已经明确污水浓度超过约定标准时, 对政府的惩罚约定, 所以一定程度上可以补偿因处理成本的增加而影响的收益。同时, 当前的污水处理厂已经执行的入水风险管理机制能及时发现较严重的超标入水, 所以可以避免此风险上海翻译公司。
The treatment cost of the treatment plant will increase with the sewage concentration (COD in particular). In the Franchise Agreement it has been pointed out that the government will have to compensate when the sewage concentration exceeds agreed standard, which can partially make up the loss caused by treatment cost increase. Meanwhile, the current sewage entry risk control mechanism implemented by each sewage treatment plant can detect promptly serious sewage entry exceeding standard, thus evading such risk.
转让方要求我方在办理股权转让的工商变更手续之前就完成目标公司现有债务的重组。但是由于中国法律在外汇管制方面的限制, 在没有完成国内的中外合资企业的工商注册之前, 凯丹水务代目标公司清偿债务以及由凯丹水务通过由境外银行开具银行保函、信用证等方式为目标公司现有债务提供担保, 尚有政策上的障碍。我们会积极与银行和天津信托探讨可能的现有债务的重组解决方案。如果天津信托坚持上述, 则存在不能缔约的可能英语翻译。
The transferor requests that we should reconstruct the current debt of target company before processing ownership transfer. However, owing to foreign exchange control restrictions in Chinese laws, before we complete domestic joint venture registration in administrative authority for industry and commerce, there are still obstacles for Kaidan Water Development Company to pay off debt for the target company and to guarantee its current debt by bank guarantee or letter of credit issued by offshore banks. We will actively work with banks and Tianjin Trust Investment Ltd. Corporation to discuss possible reconstructing measures of current debt. However, if Tianjin Trust Investment Ltd. Corporation insists to carry out the above process, then we are afraid we cannot meet this requirement.
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